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Poker Odds: Probabilities

Poker odds are an extremely important part of any poker game. If you want to become a serious poker player, you’re going to need to learn the probability of getting a certain hand, among other things. Otherwise, it’s like you’re fumbling around in the dark and guessing about what to do in a given hand. You need to know the odds that you’ll finish that flush on the flop or complete that straight on the turn. If you are just getting started at poker and don’t yet have the time to learn to calculate these things for yourself, the below chart may come in handy. Eventually, however, you may want to learn how to calculate poker odds on your own, and you can do this in our Poker Odds Calculator section. On this site, we will concentrate on the odds of Texas Hold’Em, the most popular variation of poker currently being played.

What is the Probability of...

% of the Time This Will Occur

Odds against

Being dealt a pair before the flop


16 to 1

Being dealt suited cards before the flop


3.25 to 1

Being dealt two Kings or two Aces before the flop


110 to 1

Being dealt an Ace and King before the flop


81.9 to 1

Being dealt at least one Ace before the flop


5.70 to 1

Being dealt two Aces before the flop


220 to 1

You will complete a flush if you already have four parts of it after the flop


1.86 to 1

You will complete a straight flush if you already have four parts of an open-end straight flush after the flop


10.9 to 1

You will complete at least a straight if you already have four parts of an open-end straight slush after the flop


0.85 to 1

You will complete a full house or better if you have two pair after the flop


4.97 to 1

You will complete a full house or better if you have three of a kind after the flop


1.99 to 11

You will get a pair on the flop if you do not have a pair already


2.08 to 1

You will get two or more of the same suit on the flop that match two suited cards you already have


7.48 to 1

You will complete at least a three of a kind by the river if you only have a pair after the flop


10.9 to 1

Having a Pocket Pair Before the Flop, What is the Probability...

% of the Time This Will Occur

Odds Against

You will get a set or better on the flop


7.5 to 1

You will get a set on the flop


8.3 to 1

You will get three of a kind on the flop


7.51 to 1

You will get four of a kind on the flop


407 to 1

You will make a set or better by the river


4.2 to 1

Having Two Suited Cards Before the Flop, What is the Probability...

% of the Time This Will Occur

Odds Against

You will get a flush on the flop

118 to 1


You will get a flush draw on the flop (four cards of the same suit)

8.1 to 1


You will get one more card of the same suit on the flop

1.4 to 1


You will get a flush by the river

15 to 1


Having Two Non-Paired Cards, What is the Probability of Flopping...

% of the Time This Will Occur

Odds Against

A pair


2.5 to 1

Two pair using both of your pocket cards


49 to 1

Any two pair from two non-pair cards


24 to 1

Three of a kind using one of your pocket cards


73 to 1

A full house


1087 to 1

Four of a kind using one of your pocket cards


9799 to 1

On the Turn , What is the Probability of Completing...

% of the Time This Will Occur

Odds Against

A full house or better from a set


5.7 to 1

A full house from two pair


11 to 1

A flush from four cards of the same suit


4.2 to 1

A straight from an open-ended straight


4.9 to 1

A straight from a gutshot straight


11 to 1

From the Flop to (but excluding) the River, What is the Probability of Completing...

% of the Time This Will Occur

Odds Against

A full house or better from a set


2 to 1

A full house or better from two pair (four outs)


5.1 to 1

A flush from four cards of the same suit (nine outs)


1.9 to 1

Four cards of the same suit (nine outs)


23 to 1

A straight from an open-ended straight draw (eight outs)


2.2 to 1

A straight from a gutshot straight draw (four outs)


5.1 to 1

On the River, What is the Probability of Completing...

% of the Time This Will Occur

Odds Against

A full house or better from a set (10 outs)


3.6 to 1

A full house from two pair (four outs)


11 to 1

A flush from a four-flush (nine outs)


4.1 to 1

An open-ended straight draw (eights outs)


4.8 to 1

A gutshot straight (getting the necessary cards to complete a straight that is missing a card from between two other cards) (four outs)


11 to 1


Although these poker odds can be helpful when you are starting out, you should eventually also be able to figure out various poker odds on your own on the fly, otherwise you won’t become more than a mediocre poker player. Check out our Poker Odds Calculator section to learn how to do your own calculations.

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